LSAT Logical Reasoning questions often fall into one of the following categories. There’s no reason to classify every LSAT question in this way. However, it’s important to be familiar with these topics and concepts so they don’t intimidate you.
- TV shows and violence in children
- Climate change, fossil fuel use, and crops
- Dinosaur extinction, ice ages, volcanoes, and asteroids
- Cigarette advertising, nicotine levels, and smoking rates
- Government bureaucracies, political parties, politicians, and campaigns
- Cholesterol, high blood pressure, and obesity
- Employees and management in mid-sized businesses
- Highway speed limits, car accidents, traffic, and car insurance
- Economic recessions and consumer spending in imaginary countries
- Pharmaceutical companies and government spending on medical research
- Industry’s pollution of the environment and its responsibility to clean up
- Vaccines, bacteria, and viruses
- Government support of academia, artists and aesthetics
- Planets, moons, and brown dwarf stars
- Morality, criminals, law enforcement, and law-abiding citizens