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Home Logic Games Free LSAT Logic Game | Advanced Linear

Free LSAT Logic Game | Advanced Linear

The Logic Game I created this time is significantly harder than others I have written, and that’s not only because it’s an Advanced Linear game. In fact, some Advanced Linear games are easier than Basic Linear games.

Of course, it’s best to practice with actual LSAT Logic Games. However, some of you are concerned about running out of Logic Games in your prep (despite the fact that there are over 90 released LSAT PrepTests). Maybe you haven’t ordered your LSAT books yet, don’t have them with you at work, or maybe you just can’t take out your LSAT books with coworkers and bosses watching.

Also, I enjoy writing a logic game based on each of the major types of Logic Games. I have posted them on the website, along with more LSAT tips, of course.



Here’s the Logic Game:

Eight monkeys-A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H-ride a spaceship to Mars together. Each monkey sits in a different one of the spaceship’s eight seats. The seats are in consecutive rows that are numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4 from front to back. Each row contains exactly two seats: a seat with a window facing the sun and a seat with a window facing the moon. The following conditions must apply:

E’s window never faces the sun, but D’s window always faces the sun.

F sits in row 1 or row 2, but neither row 2 nor row 3 can contain D.

B sits in the row immediately behind D’s row.

If B’s window faces the sun, then A’s window faces the moon.

If D sits in row 1, then G sits in row 4.

If B sits in the same row as F, then G’s window faces the sun.

1. Which one of the following could be an acceptable assignment of monkeys to seats, beginning with the seats in each row whose windows face the sun?

(A) Row 1: D, C; Row 2: B, F; Row 3: A, E; Row 4: G, H

(B) Row 1: D, E; Row 2: F, B; Row 3: H, A; Row 4: C, G

(C) Row 1: D, F; Row 2: B, A; Row 3: G, E; Row 4: H, C

(D) Row 1: D, H; Row 2: C, B; Row 3: F, A; Row 4: G, E

(E) Row 1: D, F; Row 2: B, E; Row 3: C, A; Row 4: H, G

2. If E sits in row 2, which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of monkeys, any one of whom could be among the monkeys who sit in row 4?

(A) A, G, H

(B) C, G, H

(C) A, C, F, H

(D) A, C, G, H

(E) A, C, F, G, H

3. If F’s window faces the moon, but F does not sit in row 1, which one of the following CANNOT be true?

(A) A’s window also faces the moon.

(B) C’s window also faces the moon.

(C) E’s window also faces the moon.

(D) G’s window also faces the moon.

(E) H’s window also faces the moon.

4. If G and H sit in the same row, each of the following could be an accurate list of monkeys whose windows face the moon from row 1 through row 4 EXCEPT:

(A) F, A, E, G

(B) F, E, A, G

(C) E, F, A, H

(D) F, B, E, H

(E) F, C, E, G

5. If A’s window faces the sun, but F does not sit in row 1, which one of the following could be true?

(A) C and G sit in the same row.

(B) A and B sit in the same row.

(C) A and F sit in the same row.

(D) E’s window faces in the same direction as G’s.

(E) G’s window faces in the same direction as B’s.


6. If B’s window and F’s window face in opposite directions, which one of the following could be true?

(A) G’s window faces the moon, and F sits in row 2.

(B) F sits in row 2’s seat with a window facing the moon, and A’s window faces the sun.

(C) D and F sit in the same row.

(D) G sits directly in front of H.

(E) F sits in row 2, and E’s window faces the same direction as G’s window.

The text below contains the answers to the above Logic Game.

1. E

2. D

3. D

4 .E

5. A

6. C


Email me for a complete explanation for this Logic Game’s setup.


If you want to try an LSAC-written Logic Game that’s similar to the one above, check out:

PrepTest 36, Section 4, Game 3 (page 280 in The Next 10 Actual, Official LSAT PrepTests).


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