Danielle’s LSAT Success Story
Danielle used the 2-month study plan, scored a 166 and got into Boston University, Cardozo and Fordham Law Schools Before I stepped foot in the second grade, I thought I had my entire life figured out, and I strayed little from my plan until last summer — when I was 21 years old. For as […]
Allison’s LSAT Success Story
Allison achieved a 15+ point jump from scoring in the 150s to getting a 170. I had every workbook, every practice test, every possible resource, and yet I felt really stuck a few months into studying for the LSAT. I was nowhere near my goal in terms of scoring, and I felt like I was […]
Self-Control: Smoking, Eating, and LSAT Prep
Studying for the LSAT is exhausting and time-consuming. Why are some people able to study for hours on end while others can’t stand more than a half-hour at a time? The answer may lie somewhere in the concept of “ego depletion.” Basically, the idea is that you only have a limited amount of […]
Free LSAT Logic Game | Relative Ordering
UPDATE: You can get this game, along with several others I’ve written, in a free book. This Logic Game I’ve written is what some would categorize as Pure Sequencing, Loose Sequencing, or Relative Ordering. Whatever you call it, this type of game requires you to put variables in order, just like Basic Linear games do. […]
Free LSAT Logic Game | Grouping: Selection / In-Out
I’ve enjoyed forcing you to think about a spaceship with 8 monkeys and 7 Greek deities in a power struggle as you completed my first two LSAT Logic Games. However, it’s time to get back to the real world, at least for a little while, so the Logic Game I’ve written this time has a […]
Does the LSAT Repeat Previous Logic Games Questions?
Does the LSAT repeat questions from previous tests? Yes and no. You will not see questions repeated word-for-word. That would be too easy. However, you may see games that feature extremely similar methods of reasoning – sometimes only with small changes to the rules and variables. Although the games aren’t identical, they’re extremely similar.You know […]
10 Hardest LSAT Logic Games List
Which Logic Games do you think are the most difficult? Here are 10 of the most difficult Logic Games. I’ve included classifications of each game after the game’s topic. Enjoy!
How to Get a Perfect Score on LSAT Logic Games
Below I list all the Logic Games-related blog posts you should read toward the beginning of your prep. I’ve listed them in the specific order in which you should read them, along with the relevant Logic Games you should complete. Use my LSAT Cheat Sheet as a quick-reference, and you can use my Logic Games […]
5 Reasons I Secretly Enjoy Logic Games
Some of you email me to say how much you hate the LSAT. I already wrote a series on why I love the LSAT, but some of you still aren’t convinced. I’m not giving up. Here are the top 5 reasons I enjoy Logic Games: 1. They’re like sudoku. 2. It’s satisfying to make a […]
LSAT Logic Games Rule Substitution Questions
LSAT Logic Games Rule Substitution questions (aka Rule Equivalency or Equivalent Rule questions) began with LSAT PrepTest 57 and have appeared on nearly every exam since. Use the following strategies to solve these questions: – Check each answer choice against previous diagrams. Determine if each choice would allow each previously-valid scenario to still work. Ask […]