MUST-READ FOR PRELAWS! Feeling LOST on where to start with law school admission essays? Here’s how to access LSAT Unplugged’s “Essay Dropbox” for all the expert law school admissions support you NEED with the click of a mouse…
Unlimited Essays.
Unlimited Edits.
Unlimited Feedback.
Destroy Law School Essay Overwhelm & Use “The Right Kind” Of Essay Writing To CATAPULT YOUR APPLICATION TO THE TOP Of The “Yes” Stack (Even If You’re Not The Best Candidate On The Table)…
Doors Open This Week Only
Limited Spots:
5 Students Only!
There’s just something SUPER INTIMIDATING…
…About your future resting in the hands of a complete stranger in an admissions office, right? And if you thought writing was torture BEFORE (or even if you didn’t), in this case it’s WAY WORSE!
Pouring your heart and soul into essays about YOURSELF is a vague, complicated, and downright freaky challenge as is. So it’s totally normal to feel COMPLETELY LOST on this one…
Throw in that blinking cursor when you can’t think of ANYTHING to write… Like a ticking clock reminding you of immensely-important deadlines slowly stalking towards you…
When your entire future can rest on a first impression (hey, no pressure)… That’s ROUGH!
Personally, I’d rather do 1,000 logic problems than write ANOTHER STUPID ESSAY about a time I tripped and fell and got back up – You’re applying to law school here, not an MFA program in creative writing… So WHAT is the deal with this nonsense?
But here we are. And skipping or half-heartedly tiptoeing through this step can MAKE OR BREAK your law school applications!
But here we are. And skipping or half-heartedly tiptoeing through this step can MAKE OR BREAK your law school applications!
Like that gooey black chocolate frosting that saves (or ruins) an otherwise okay piece of cake.
I mean, if you screwed up on the other stuff completely, okay, okay… You’re probably not getting into law school. Sorry!…HOWEVER
…If you did “alright” or “pretty good” on the other stuff (but didn’t absolutely crush it)… Don’t worry!
EPIC ADMISSIONS ESSAYS CAN STILL SAVE YOU! This process is the “Great Maximizer” that takes everything you already did and COMPOUNDS it (once you give them what they really want). And it’s a MAJOR TIEBREAKER when two applications go head to head…
It’s just like in business when you’re the “best candidate” at a top job interview…
…But if you’re charismatic and can get the interviewer to LIKE YOU, research shows you’re STILL more likely to get the job! (Yes, even in a Fortune 500 Company.)
And it’s not just subconscious! Admissions officers can even pull for people THEY “like.” Listen, it doesn’t work that way AT ANY OTHER STEP IN THE LAW SCHOOL ADMISSIONS PROCESS.
(I’ll explain why in just a moment).
For now just know they do have some wiggle room to push you in if you win their hearts and minds.
Who will they like MOST? This is where your essays pull the weight…
What If You Can OUTPERFORM Your Own Numbers?
When you turn in essays that COMPLETELY DESTROY YOUR COMPETITION, you can:
Lower (or completely eliminate) your tuition by getting access to AWESOME, LIFE-TRANSFORMING SCHOLARSHIPS… Considering that good law schools charge $40,000 to $50,000 per year or more we’re talking SERIOUS FREE MONEY on the line… And yes, it could potentially be yours!
Not to mention a HIGHER SALARY falling within your reach (once you get accepted into a top law school)… So a good essay that lets you “slip through the cracks” could hypothetically be worth MILLIONS OF DOLLARS over the course of a great career…
With potentially ZERO STUDENT LOAN DEBT after graduation (how awesome would that be??!!)… Why someone wouldn’t scale walls for THAT is beyond me!
And of course anything that gets you an extra edge is another key turning the locks that stand between you and YOUR GREATEST ASPIRATIONS….
Of course, all of this is contingent on the “quality” of what you write…
And “quality” can be an elusive, intangible thing to wrap your mind around when it comes to these vague “stories” you’re asked to tell about you and your life.
I’ll expand on that in a moment too, but first…
Here’s Why I’m Qualified To Help Push Your Application To The Top Of The Stack
I’m guessing you already know who I am since you’re reading this page. And maybe you even used our “LSAT Unplugged” course to dominate your exam (if not, well, we’re here to fix that, so hang on a sec).
If you don’t know me, I’m Steve Schwartz of “LSAT Unplugged.”
Featured in:
Over the past 17+ years (since 2005), I’ve dedicated myself to helping prelaws CRUSH every part of the admissions process. My students and clients win acceptance at the top 14 law schools (and many, many more) using my coaching services, online classes…
And yes, this UNLIMITED essay support service.
I also conduct regular interviews of current and former law school admission officers on my YouTube channel.
(Where you can go watch them now at “LSAT Unplugged” if you want.)
Call me crazy but I consider dissecting every step of the law school admissions process to be my life’s work! So by working with us on your essays you get insight into the application process that you’d NEVER get from a random editor on Craigslist.
And that you CERTAINLY wouldn’t get from your friends and family…
These other people might be able to “write well,” sure, but they DON’T have our perspective on using an essay AS A TOOL TO LEVERAGE YOUR WAY INTO A GREAT LAW SCHOOL…
After all, the most difficult part of an admissions essay ISN’T fixing grammatical errors or trolling the thesaurus to find synonyms for “rigorous.”
No, the hardest part of an admissions essay is figuring out what to write! And how to write it in a way that PENETRATES the reader’s (i.e. admission officer’s) psyche!
That’s where I come in. Coach Steve, if you will. 😉
What Really Sets Me Apart Is My Ability To Find What Sets YOU Apart!
All of my students are amazing, resilient people with incredible accomplishments and life stories. I’m not just trying to be “inclusive,” but we ALL are!
However, almost none of them would INITIALLY describe themselves that way…
Look, you don’t need an Olympic Medal or a story about surviving a nuclear war on some distant planet to impress these people. It’s all in how you FRAME it.
And if you want a law school to LOVE YOU…
If you want to MAXIMIZE all the work you’ve put in already…
…We have to figure out what makes YOU compelling. And communicate that!
My job is to open the door WITH YOU. And reveal your uniqueness! Then help you construct essays that allow that BRILLIANT, MAGNIFICENT part of you to shine right through…
And As You Can See From Student Feedback Our “Unlimited Essay Service” Works!
I have some good news to share! In a surprising turn of events, I was admitted to Stanford Law School today!
I have spent much of the day in absolute disbelief, crying tears of joy (a lot), and sharing the news with my family, friends, and mentors.
I also wanted to share the news with you as I know I would not be here without your help and the community that you have built. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that I would be going to Stanford Law School.
Fantastic News!
Hi Steve!
I’ve got great news! I’ve been accepted to Harvard Law, and also to Columbia Law with a full scholarship! I also got accepted to NYU in December – can’t remember whether I told you that or not. I’m overwhelmed. I had no idea Columbia even did merit scholarships.
Guess I’m in for a tough decision in a good way! Thank you so much for helping me prep for the LSAT!
Dear Ms. Gramley,
On behalf of our Dead, Admissions Committee, faculty and students, I am delighted to invite you to join Cornell Law School’s class of 2021. Your academic and personal background suggest that you will thrive in our law school community and ultimately in the legal profession.
Students at Cornell come from all over the world. They are attracted to not only by our academic reputation and exceptional employment opportunities but also by our small class size, our student-oriented culture, and our affiliation with a leading research university. They also appreciate being able to combine the non-urban lifestyle of Ithaca N.Y. with the possibility of attending our partner law schools in eighteen countries around the world, including Cairo, Egypt, Paris, France, and Berlin, Germany.
Please see the attached Admit Packet for information regarding your seat deposit, general housing information, and access to your Admitted Student Portal.
Congratulations! We look forward to seeing you soon.
Warmest regards,
Monica Ingram
Associate Dean
Admissions and Financial Aid
Dear Judy Wang:
Congratulations! I am thrilled to inform you that you have been admitted to the Class of 2024 at Columbia Law School. Your admission is in recognition of your academic and professional achievements, talents, meaningful contributions, and personal strengths.
Columbia is a very special place to pursue a legal education – in no small part due to the exceptional legal training we provide, remarkable students like you, and our incomparable location. Columbia offers a challenging yet supportive environment where theory and practice converge; where teaching by renowned scholars is the cornerstone of the academic experience; and where opportunities to immerse in the legal intricacies affecting communities locally and internationally abound. Our students are bright, engaged, wildly talented, and pride themselves on the reciprocal, dynamic process of learning from one another. Their varied background and passions are the hallmark of our Law School’s institutional character and contribute to the sense of community engendered on campus from the moment the entering class arrives each fall. The Law School campus is a vibrant atmosphere for students, faculty, and culture – provides a larger campus for learning and innovation.
Columbia Law School students graduate ready to address cutting-edge issues on day one. Not simply because their interests and aspirations are nurtured by our attentive career and professional development offices, but also due to the experiential learning opportunities that teach our students to be effective, ethical lawyers. For hands-on practical training, you will have access to more than 25 Externships in the public, private, and government spheres; benefit from the guidance of full-time faculty in 8 Clinics; participate on award-winning Moot Court teams, and engage in innovative Policy Labs, ranging from Structural Change in Public Education to Lawyer Leadership.
We hope you will join us for our Virtual Admitted Student Program scheduled for March 31 – April 1. If you are unable to attend, please consider the other options to engage with various members of our community mentioned on the Website.
Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you of your new scholarship award at LMU’s Loyola Law School (LLS). The total amount of your award is $150,000 divided evenly over 3 years. We hope this news is helpful as you make your enrollment plans.
Loyola takes pride in attracting the brightest minds to its entering class. Your selection as a scholar confirms your commitment to academic excellence and your potential in the legal profession. You join an LLS community that includes outstanding faculty who value teaching first, a dedicated alumni network committed to students’ success, and a student body poised to contribute to our world in invaluable ways.
Dear Shannon,
Good afternoon from your nation’s capital! I’m delighted to once again congratulate you in your admission to Georgetown Law.
“Just wanted to give you a small update. I was offered a spot at UVA Law. I’ll be deferring a year and working at a small law firm as a legal secretary and doing research for the Innocence Project. I’m extremely excited, and wanted to offer my thanks once again for all of your help!” – Jacquelyn R., 161 (LSAT and admissions client)
(UVA Law’s LSAT median is 169, so getting in with a 161 is a testament to the stellar essays and excellent admissions package that Jacquelyn put together.)
Admissions Essay Insight #1:
There Are No “Quantitative” Standards For An Admissions Essay (And Why This Matters Big-Time)
Your essays are YOUR ONLY OPPORTUNITY in the law school application process to actually give admissions officers a non-quantitative look at who you are!
I touched on this one earlier but I CANNOT overemphasize the gravity of this truth! The LSAT and GPA? Just flat, lifeless numbers with zero context. They are what they are. But other than a few exceptions, the law school admissions process generally does NOT involve interviews.
So they might see your numerical “scores”…BUT
…They never get a chance to see (and FEEL) who you truly are.
Your essays are the only way to get through to them so they “get to know you.” And get to LIKE YOU.
Again, compare it to the business world. Where it’s not necessarily the smartest people who rise to the top. Success in many areas of life is built on relationships. PERSONALITY!
And since everything else in admissions is based on a numerical value… This is really your only chance to BUILD a relationship from afar.
No, you don’t have to be the most interesting and charismatic person in the room. They’re not actually MEETING you.
But we CAN use your essays to help you SELL YOURSELF! By telling stories that cut through the numbers and confusion to get your admissions officers gunning for you to WIN…
Admissions Essay Insight #2:
It’s A Lot Harder Than You’d Think To Write Top Quality Admissions Essays (And Most Prelaws Discover This Too Late)
All the greatest novelists, non-fiction authors, speech writers, etc, in the world will tell you every first draft SUCKS!
“The first draft of anything is shit.”
Ernest Hemingway
Your essays often have to go through revision after revision after revision if you really want them to stand out (in a stack of papers written by SOME OF THE TOP UP AND COMING MINDS IN THE COUNTRY).
This isn’t something you want to leave to the last minute either (a big mistake most students make)…. You’ll ALWAYS end up with a better result if you allow a month or two, rather than just taking a week or a couple days to produce something “passable.”
What you need is the time to write a draft, get some distance from it… And then come back to it with a fresh set of eyes. Or… if you work with us, go through a number of revisions with my team and me.
The best topics are almost never the first ones you think of either. Often what happens is you write a draft and then based on some small detail in your essay, we discover there’s a MUCH better topic you should be focused on to improve your odds…
Maybe you write a rough draft of 1500 words on your own and my expert editors cut it down to a third of the size and start again. Yes, that can be brutal but when we’re talking about YOUR ENTIRE FUTURE ON THE LINE… Well, we’re a team of pros and we take this SERIOUSLY!
So bottom line… You need TIME for this process (which is why most students work with us on their essays for a month, two months, or more — totally your call!). But in my opinion you do need expert guidance all the way through.
Admissions Essay Insight #3:
You May Need (Or Want) To Write A Lot More Essays Than You Think!… To Attack From Every Angle
That’s why we provide you with UNLIMITED essay edits for an UNLIMITED number of essays.
Sure, you probably don’t want to write the rest of your life away. You’ve got plenty of other things to do. But be aware that most people do end up writing many more than they expected.
How many of your top topics should you cover?
It’s not just a “Personal Statement.” What about a “Diversity Statement?” Is this something that even applies to you? What is okay to write about here and what isn’t?
Optional essays (which you should NEVER skip… Unless doing the minimum work is “just your thing,” I guess)… Or an Addendum.
Applicants have the space to tell ALL their stories… And the ones who care about getting into a top school (or outperforming their numbers) make sure to use it!
My team has perfected the art of strategizing topics that put you in the best light possible. Figuring out which essays should go to which school (if not all of them) and basically how to “write your way” to the future you’ve been dreaming of.
Of course by now this might be sounding like a whole lot of work…
So let’s get to the part where I tell you how we can make this process as easy for you as humanly possible…
Where You Get As Many Professional Edits & Reviews Of Your Law School Essays As You Could Possibly Want Or Need…
How does this service work?
As a member of “Unlimited Edits,” you can submit drafts as often as you want with just a click of a mouse inside your “Essay Dropbox.”
And you’ll receive personalized one-to-one feedback, edits, markups, and suggestions on your essays WITHIN 48 HOURS EVERY SINGLE TIME (GUARANTEED)!
(Or if you’re just starting we even have an optional upgrade where you can go back and forth over Google Docs to edit and develop rough drafts based on simple writing prompts. Plus tons of short, easy-to-follow videos on topic development.)
Imagine A Professional Editor On Call Anytime You Need Advice Or Feedback For Your Law School Application Docs, Including:
Application Essays
Personal Statements
Diversity Statements
Character and Fitness Statements
Optional Essays and Addenda
Letters of Recommendation
And With Unlimited Edits You’ll Be Able To:
Unearth Your Own Perfect Personal Essay Topics! Not only will you have professional editors looking over your personal documents at every step… You’ll also get our experienced, personalized help with ESSAY STRATEGY and TOPIC DEVELOPMENT (to maximize your odds of getting into the schools of your choice)…
Get Your Documents Reviewed As Many Times As You Need! The single most powerful component of this service is you actually get UNLIMITED reviews and edits of UNLIMITED essays… We don’t nickel and dime or put you in a situation where costs balloon just as you realize how many edits you’ll need… We’re here to help you from beginning to end, all included up-front!
Eliminate “Second Guessing” And Turn In Your Essays With Confidence! Thanks to the help of “Unlimited Edits” you can stop worrying whether your subject matter choices are too “inappropriate” or too “weak” for admissions… You’ll know if your essays are too long or too short, if your hook is strong enough, if the topic is well-chosen, and if you’ve actually developed the idea to its full potential… So you’ll eliminate the need for unnecessary hemming and hawing as you submit essays you’re PROUD of…
Never Feel Lost On What To Write Next Again! After joining you’ll get answers to questions about your drafts anytime you need… And we’ll always get back to you within 48 hours… For many pre-laws the hardest part is not knowing if they’re putting all the hard work and effort into the right places… But you’ll never have to worry about this again if you make full use of “Unlimited Edits”…
Get An Opportunity To OUTPERFORM YOUR NUMBERS! If you’ve been worried that low LSAT results or a low GPA could hold you back from getting accepted, your essays are an opportunity to “boost up” your applications… Putting the schools you REALLY want INTO reach when you otherwise don’t cut it… Let’s say your numbers alone would get you into a school ranked 25… Well, with epic top-notch essays we can potentially use the “best first impression” approach to get you into a school ranked in the Top 14 or even Top 6!
Open Up The Potential For Scholarships! Of course, good-enough essays can help put you in the running for merit scholarships… For most law school tuition scholarships, you don’t have to apply separately… They just OFFER THEM TO YOU!… So what would $10K, $20K, or even $30K in additional funds just because of “good writing” mean to you?
“But I Don’t Even Have Rough Drafts Yet”….
(For Anyone Stuck With A Blank Page And Zero Ideas)
Sheesh – is that what you’re all worked up about?
Don’t be! We’ve got you covered there too.
You have two options when you join “Unlimited Edits,” at two different price points. Both include unlimited edits and feedback on unlimited rough essay drafts… But for people who have NO IDEA WHERE TO START…
…Here’s something extra.
With our “Essay Jumpstart” option you’ll actually get us cranking out rough drafts FOR YOU (based on answers to simple writing prompts). Which are designed to figure out exactly what would make you shine most…
The simple submission form inside allows you to submit queries anytime you want to get one of our live human professional editors turning your answers into rough drafts (which you can then run with using “Unlimited Edits”).
And just like the rest of this service you can use it to produce UNLIMITED ROUGH DRAFTS for your law school admissions applications!
This Is NOT A Plagiarism Service Like Those Hacky Websites For “Cheaters” Across The Internet…
You know the ones I mean. Where you hire some smart graduate from a distant foreign country to do all the work for you. Which is obviously not ethical or legal at all.
We are NOT writing THE essays for you (just to be clear)!
What we do with “Essay Jumpstart” is guide you if you’re stuck… By taking YOUR words, using answers to question prompts, and then editing them and remixing them to create rough drafts for you.
These are the baby steps to write a rough draft if doing it yourself is too overwhelming.
And then we can help you improve upon it from there!
HOT BONUS! When You Join “Unlimited Edits” You’ll Also Get Access To “Admissions Unplugged!”
Our Comprehensive On-Demand Essay Writing & Admissions Course
(I mean… If you’re into that sort of thing. Totally optional!)
“Unlimited Edits” is a monthly membership where you get as many edits, reviews, and answers to your questions as you want to an unlimited number of essays…HOWEVER
…This program initially began as a video course called “Admissions Unplugged.” So we’ve still got a HUGE BACKLOG of instructional videos dissecting everything you could POSSIBLY want to know about the essay process.
After working closely with HUNDREDS of students, we discovered what you REALLY NEED is one-on-one feedback FOR YOUR ESSAYS… And direct answers in a timely fashion (not to mention most pre-laws want to spend as LITTLE time as possible on this BUT without shortcutting results).
For that reason we’ve now pulled back on the “course” component of this program and made it all about getting you the “one-on-one” help perfecting your essays…BUT
…You’ll STILL GET ACCESS to “Admissions Unplugged” as a bonus when you join “Unlimited Edits.”
So if you don’t have any material or top ideas to work with yet, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered there too… Let’s ban that blinking cursor!
Here’s What You’ll Find Inside The “Admissions Unplugged” Video Library If You’re Lost On Where To Start:
As part of your “Unlimited Edits” membership you’ll get your hands on dozens of on-demand video lessons and workshops covering all aspects of writing essays and other stages of the admissions process.
Yes, full-length lessons covering every type of essay that might pop up. With recordings of sample essay workshops and admissions mastermind sessions you can go through on your own time.
Many are full-length hour-long classes covered in a PowerPoint style… PLUS we review real student application essays… so you’ll get actual samples of essays with in-depth reviews! Here’s just SOME of what you’ll find inside the bonus course:
- Intro to Admissions
- How GPA and LSAT Affect Law School Admissions
- What You Need for Law School Admissions Besides the LSAT
- Law School Admissions Applications
- Law School Admissions Nontraditional Applicants
- Law School Admissions I Reaching Out
- Law School Admissions I Applying Next Cycle Instead
- Most Important Part of Law School Admissions
- What to Write About in Law School Application
- Presentation Slides & Notes
- Review Essay Samples
- Essay Dropbox
- Starter Guide
- Topic Selection
- Start Choosing Your Topics
- Factors to Consider for your Essay
- Building Your Essay’s Identity
- Knowing Your Essay’s Flow
- Essay Writing Basics and Brainstorming
- Admissions Prep for Non-native English Speakers
- Putting Structure to the Essay
- Write with Me: Get Your Drafts Written
- Essay 101 Checklist
- Your Editing Checklist
- Most Effective Ways to Improve an Essay
- Editing Your Essay
- Draft Management and Pushing Your Essay Forward
- Essay Review: Leveling and Transitioning
- The LSAT’s Role in Law School Admissions
- Admissions Power Hour
- Five-wave System of Elevating an Essay
- Five-wave System for Improving Your Essay
- How to Know When Your Essay is “Done”
- Customizing Your Law School Application Essays For Each School
- Finishing Touches
- Essay Q&A with Steve – Essay Topics
- Essay Factors Q&A
- Essay Structures Q&A
- Writing Your Personal Statement
- What to Avoid for Personal Statements
- Personal Statements Structure Q&A
- Finding Structure for an Exciting Personal Story
- 5 Law School Personal Statement Topics to Avoid in Less Than 5 Minutes
- 7 Law School Personal Statement Distinctions
- The Diversity Statement | Anyone Can Write One
- Diversity Statements with Multiple Topics
- Essay Review: Diversity Statement Deep Dive #1
- Essay Review: Diversity Statement Deep Dive #1
- Other Written Requirements
- Application Essay Workshop
- Law School Application Essays
- Resume 101
- Recommendation Letters + More
- Workshop Notes
- Resumes
- Essay Review: Evaluating Your Own Essay
- Essay Review: Writing A Strong Essay
- Essay Review: Choosing the Right Words
- Essay Review: Incorporating Statements
- Essay Review: Powerful Flow for a Powerful Essay
- Essay Review: Picking a Topic for Your Essay
- Essay Review: Components Of A Great Essay
- Essay Review: Right Structures of Statements
- Essay Review: Strengthening Statements
- Essay Review: Knowing Your Essay’s Purpose
- Essay Review: Focusing on the Topic
- Essay Review: Unlocking your Potential
- Essay Review: Using your Experience
- Essay Review: Focus to Go Deep
- Essay Review: Roles of your Statements
- Essay Review: Correlation of Statements
- Essay Review: Statement Connections
- Essay Review: Powerful Influence
- Essay Review: Establishing Storytelling
- Essay Review: Creating Impactful Concepts
- Essay Review: Sticking with the Specifics
- Essay Review: Avoiding Disconnections
- Essay Review: Leveling and Transitioning
- Essay Review: Managing Your Focus Topic
- Essay Review: Focusing on Impacts
- Essay Review: Growing from Your Experiences
- Essay Review: Deep Dives with Steve
- Essay Review: The Hero of your Story
- Essay Review: Connecting Pieces Together
- Essay Review: Knowing your Essay’s Goal
- Essay Review: Clarifying Your Stand
- Essay Review: Unique Perspective
- Essay Review: Using Powerful Experiences
- Essay Review: Relating Other Diversities
- Essay Review: Avoiding Unrelated Entries
- Essay Review: Get Readers Hooked
- Essay Review: Character and Fitness
- Essay Review: Getting into Specifics
- Essay Review: Play with Your Style
- Essay Review: Utilizing the Good Details
- Essay Review: Express Your Deeper Thoughts
- Essay Review: Focusing on Yourself
- Essay Review: Removing Unnecessary Details
- Essay Review: Avoiding Run-ons
- Essay Review: More of “You” than “Others”
- Essay Review: Avoiding Different Themes
- Essay Review: Being More Personal
- Essay Review: Strong Details, Opening and Closing
- Essay Review: Your Deeper Perspective
- Essay Draft Reading. Live Feedback
- Bring Your Essay In Workshop (Week 1)
- Bring Your Essay In Workshop (Week 2)
- Bring Your Essay In Workshop (Week 3)
- Essay Reading Classes
- Drafting Your Essays
- How to Research Your School
- The Admissions Process
- Learning about the Admissions Process Slide Deck
- Reaching out to Admissions
- Going the Extra Mile in Law School Admissions
- Law School Comparisons
- Law School Applications Decoded: How to Make Yours Stand Out
- Admissions Power Hour
- Hotseat Coaching
- When You’re Waitlisted: Continued Letter of Interest Conversations
- Admissions Mastermind #1
- Sample Law School Application Resumes (from the Ivey Guide to Law School Admissions)
- LSAT Writing Sample
- LSAT Writing Sample Workshop #1
- My Writing Sample Response LSAC on LSAT Writing
- LSAT Writing Sample Workshop #2
- Admissions Mastermind #2
- Admissions Q&A session
- Planning Before Your Conversation
- Getting Answers by Navigating Using Your Questions
- Apply Your Plans to Your Conversation
- Essential Preparations for your Virtual Coffee
- The Formula for Reaching Out
- Reflecting from the Conversation
- Building Letters of Recommendation
- Recommendation Letter Templates
- Networking Through LinkedIn
- Networking Through LinkedIn (Q&A)
- “Building Relationships” Before and After Law School
- Practice Sessions for Building Relationships
- Building Relationships: Takeaways + Q&A
- Pre-Law Career Networking Playlist (Informational Interviews + More)
Remember, Turning In Amazing Essays Is Your Highest Leverage Point In Law School Admissions!
(Something Many Of Your Competitors Won’t Realize)
Of course the most important steps are your LSAT and GPA… BUT
…At this point you’ve probably taken the LSAT already (or are about to). And it’s hard! Many students walk away thinking “shoulda, coulda, woulda.” But what’s done is done, right?
Your GPA is already pretty fixed at this point too.
It’s time to think of the so‑called “softer factors” like application essays and letters of rec. Things you can still leverage for an impact on your admissions standing!
Plus… Nobody can go in and get high numbers FOR you on your grades or LSAT…BUT… There’s NOTHING wrong with having someone help you create better essays.
We’re not talking plagiarism. We’re not writing it FOR you! But “Unlimited Edits” helps you develop fantastic ideas (and bring them to life through as many revisions as necessary) so you can pull to the front of the pack.
You better believe your TOP COMPETITION does this type of thing… So if you want to stand out you should do it too!
How To Turn Your Essays Into A “Strategy!”
“Unlimited Edits” polishes up your grammar, diction, and punctuation, yes… But we also help you make deeper STRUCTURAL DECISIONS.
What’s the best topic that will make the most lasting impact?
What’s the best opening hook that will grab attention and hold it?
How can you draw on INSIDER INSIGHTS to include all the things law school admissions SPECIFICALLY LOOK FOR?
What essays make the most sense for what questions (and why)?
How do we SUBTLY slip in information YOU want admissions officers to know the most?
What will really make you STAND OUT… And what have they already seen a million times?
Your friends and family may have good intentions if you ask for strategy advice but they don’t necessarily know what gets RESULTS…
Plus there’s a HUGE difference between being “good at writing”… And knowing specifically what “rings the bell” and makes a law school admission officer say, “Hey, hey, have a look at THAT!”
That’s where the “Unlimited Edits” team comes in!
But What Makes This Offer Different Than Other Law School Essay Services Out There?
1. “Unlimited Edits” At An Extremely Reasonable Price!
Considering the fact you could be applying to 10 or 12 schools as you get your applications out, with 3 or 4 essays for each one… I’m taking a big risk here to give you UNLIMITED ACCESS to my team at this amazing bargain price!
And yes, don’t worry, you can reuse some of your essays (if you want to cut down on work) but still we’re talking about a lot of documents…
You “might” find a couple other editors who offer unlimited edits as well…BUT
…Only as an add-on to a higher-end service priced in the $3,000 to $5000 range! And bundled in with video consultations that you may not need. What you DO need is unlimited help to produce AWESOME ESSAYS! And you won’t get that at a better price than “Unlimited Edits!”
2. Hyper-Focused On Writing Better Essays (With Full-On Support)!
Another problem with many of these $3,000 to $5,000 consultants is the advice they offer is much too broad. They stretch it out over longer periods of time (instead of getting to the point) and then consult you on the entire admissions process… Which might include very basic things like strategizing on school selection. Great, right?
Well, kind of… Do you really NEED to pay someone $3000 to $5000 to help you choose a school? I don’t think so.
Finally… Because their focus is so watered down, they’re not as qualified to create incredible essays. You might get some vague ideas and passing advice but you don’t get full-on, hyper-focused, hold-your-hand support like you will when you sign up for “Unlimited Edits.”
3. We Don’t Just Correct Grammar Or Do Basic Edits – “Unlimited Edits” Also Includes “Essay Strategy” And Deep Developmental Editing
Most people who offer admissions essay services are basically just writing coaches.
Maybe an ex-teacher or college student skilled at creating grammatically correct essays with good cohesion and logical structure. Or creative writing teachers masquerading as admissions consultants…BUT
…“Unlimited Edits” takes you on a deep dive to help you discover the power of YOUR OWN PERSONAL STORY… And coaches you on how to deliver it in the most compelling way possible… Drawing on your most unique experiences to highlight exactly what admissions officers look for…
Our aim is a comprehensive strategy for which topics to cover in which essays (personal statement, diversity statement, etc.)… And whether the optional essays and addenda will be useful for you or a waste of your time.
And then we work with you on your essay to bring it’s full potential out for the most impact!
4. Extensive Experience From Over 15 Years In The Admissions World!
It’s one thing to have a second pair of eyes on your law school essays…HOWEVER
…I’ve been coaching in this space since 2005, and full‑time since 2008. I’ve got a lot of great connections with current and former admission officers. I know them, I know them well, and I’ve done many interviews with them over the years (which you can watch on my YouTube channel).
So I have deep experience in all parts of the admissions process and collaborate with insiders regularly…
Through “Unlimited Essay” and my other law prep support courses I’ve read literally THOUSANDS OF ADMISSIONS ESSAYS too… So I can help you avoid the common pitfalls and cliches admissions directors are just sick of. When you join “Unlimited Edits” you’ll get all the principles we use to SUPERPOWER your essays, keyed-in and up-to-date for what’s working NOW…
But if you’re still unsure, you can get to know my style before joining too! I’ve got plenty of sample classes and workshops on the LSAT Unplugged YouTube channel and podcast if you haven’t checked them out already…
At This Point You Can Probably See The Incredible Value Here, But You’re Probably Asking Yourself…
“What Will It Cost To Get Unlimited Personal Attention & Feedback For Your Essays And Other Admissions Docs?”
We have two separate levels of service for you to choose from.
Pick the one that fits your needs, budget, and current situation… Then click the button and make your payment to get started today.
Once you join you’ll get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the submission forms (which give you direct access to me and my team of editors)…
…As well as an entire BONUS library of course videos so you can start writing or improving your essays immediately on your own if you’d rather start that way!
Join the program for as little as a single month and cancel anytime. Or stay on for 2-3 months or more if you need additional help. Most students stick with us a month or two and get everything done in that time, but totally up to you!
Option #1:
Get “Unlimited Edits” At $997/month!
Want to write top-quality essays that skyrocket your chances of getting into the school of your dreams?
“Unlimited Edits” gives you unlimited constructive edits for each and every admissions essay you submit. Leverage your unique traits to impress admissions officers and get into your dream school with the unlimited feedback you need…
Plus you’ll get access to “Admissions Unplugged,” a comprehensive video library covering everything you need to know about the law school essay and application process.
(Note: At this price, you have your own rough drafts already… Or will create them yourself after watching videos inside “Admissions Unplugged”… So you don’t need direct help with the brainstorming stage. If that’s, jump right into revisions now with the “Unlimited Edits” option! If that’s not you, see Option #2.)
Doors Close This Week
Limited Spots: 5 Students Only!
Option #2:
Upgrade For Unlimited Edits + Essay Jumpstart — $1497/Month!
Need even more hands-on help? With this option you’ll get everything that comes with the “Unlimited Edits” service, including the “Admissions Unplugged” bonus video library…BUT
…You’ll ALSO get access to “Essay Jumpstart,” which includes full support for STUDENTS WHO DON’T EVEN HAVE A ROUGH DRAFT YET… And are stuck on the earliest stages of brainstorming great ideas.
We’ll use simple writing prompts to get our professional editors compiling your own thoughts and experiences into initial rough drafts for you to work with… And THEN we can start applying the “Unlimited Edits” service to turn it into an awesome story that impresses admissions officers.
Join now to use the “Jumpstart” for as many rough essay ideas as you need!
Doors Close This Week
Limited Spots: 5 Students Only!
Note: Still have questions about what’s inside? You can reach me anytime by email ( — I typically respond within 24 hours. And I’m always looking forward to hearing from new up-and-coming prelaws!
Remember, Admissions Consultants Charge More Than $5,000+ For Application Help!
This is an opportunity to get professional instruction and hands-on essay support for at a much lower price…
I mean you could spend the next few months reading random blog posts and forums… For free, sure…BUT
…That’s also a great way to get lost and still end up with no clue what you’re doing!
Or for as little as $997 a month you can get in-depth, step by step, unlimited help with your essays STARTING TODAY…
…PLUS access to our full video library, breaking down EXACTLY WHAT TO DO AT EVERY STEP OF THE ADMISSIONS PROCESS.
Does that sound fair to you?
If so then join now and let’s get started!
As soon as you join you’ll get immediate access to the forms for submitting your essays or essay ideas and an entire library of course videos.
Thanks To Our 100% 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee You Can Even Look Inside Right Now, RISK-FREE!
I know the admissions process is an intimidating, confusing-enough time already…
…Which is why I want to give you the opportunity to try this service now (and the bonus course) without risking a dime of your own money.
Go ahead and just “try it out”…
…And THEN decide if it’s right for you (after you’ve seen what’s inside).
You can cancel for 100% of your money back anytime you want without hassle or unnecessary questions.
Why would I offer a guarantee when I don’t have to?
Because I’ve rigorously tested my materials with thousands of students. I know they work, I stand behind them… And I want this to be a no-brainer for you!
Don’t Forget There Are Only 5 Spots Available For This Service!
(And The Clock Is Winding Down…)
All our most important offers to help you get to law school operate on a closing door policy.
I do this for two reasons:
Because it’s the best way I can think to get you off the fence!
The biggest thing I see holding prelaws back is procrastination (or just “winging” and half-assing their essays). So I purposely use scarcity to get people to act now… Hey, sue me! 😉
With this particular service we can only offer so much UNLIMITED help while still maintaining the standards we have for helping you create all the top-notch essays you need! So for the time being, yes, we only offer 5 spots every time the doors open!
(And no, don’t message me after the doors close, giving me cute excuses and begging to be let in. I won’t do it! It’s SUPER IMPORTANT to me that you get the help you need, but if I don’t honor this system, the “kick in the pants” of a closing door loses its power with all our students.)
I know this is a bit of tough love, but if that’s what it takes to drive more students to action, I’m willing to do it….
One More Thing Before I Go… Listen, Fewer Than 10% Of Essays That Come Across My Desk Are Worth Submitting “As Is”
Maybe you’re on the fence here…
After all, is it REALLY NECESSARY to pay for unlimited writing help?
In my opinion if you want to be a “top gun” law school student and have your best shot at a promising career, yes it is!
And look, writing may not intimidate you the way it did when you were an undergrad. But that’s research-related or argument-based writing. It’s NOT the type of writing that gets you into a good law school! In fact these types of essays can be MUCH HARDER than academic writing because they’re PERSONAL in nature.
(It’s like the difference between telling some hot guy or girl directions to the coffee shop… Vs telling them they light your soul on fire!)
Even if you have a humanities background it can be super tricky to write in the first person… To make one of your own personal stories the subject matter… While STILL making it professional and impressive enough to present yourself as a great law school candidate (for whoever reads it first).
On top of that it’s common to have a bit of “imposter syndrome” about your resumes. Are your experiences sufficient to impress law school admission officers? And even if so, how can we highlight these experiences without making you seem needy, self-pitying, naive, arrogant, or otherwise completely clueless?
I’ll tell you right now that most pre-laws are VERY POOR at this type of writing (when they first come in the door). And when I see someone who’s a great writer already it definitely stands out…. I’d say fewer than 10% of the drafts we get are “pretty good” as is.
So most of them are not okay at all.
Do you want to be the one turning in essays that are “okay,” or worse, “NOT okay?”
Or do you want to turn in the essay that STANDS ABOVE THE STACK? I think we all know the answer to that question…
My Advice? Go Ahead… Milk Our Unlimited Help For Everything It’s Worth!
Show them you didn’t just roll out of bed and show up without giving it a second thought… Show them you’re SERIOUS about coming to their school…
“Unlimited Edits” is EXACTLY how you’ll do it!
Note: Still have questions about what’s inside? You can reach me anytime by email ( — I typically respond within 24 hours. And I’m always looking forward to hearing from new up-and-coming prelaws!
To Your Future!
Steve Schwartz
LSAT Unplugged
P.S. When we’re talking about potentially 3, 4, 5 essays (for one school), okay, it’s a lot of work… And if you buy today, don’t expect to just coast without any effort! But you’ve already invested a lot in the LSAT both in time and money in this. Why turn back NOW?
If you thought you would ace the LSAT but didn’t, you may find yourself reducing your expectations and resigning yourself to a lower score and an “okay” future in law.
But if you’re wishing you could have done more… This is a high impact leverage point. And it’s not numeric in nature. By capitalizing on “Unlimited Edits” you can try to make up for any weak results and maximize all your previous expense and effort!
P.P.S. Why wouldn’t you share more information about yourself with admission officers if you have that opportunity? It’s like when you show up to a job interview and as they draw to a close they ask, “Is there anything else you want to tell us?” Or “Do you have any questions for us about the position?”
The ambitious applicants always say, “Yes, absolutely”
(If they have any hope of getting the job!)
The best candidates always have questions for the interviewer. The best candidates always have more they want to share. That’s just proper preparation, right? Well, this is the same thing… And it’s worth a lot! So, are you ready?
P.P.P.S. Here are the links to join, one more time:
Looking forward to working with you!