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Home Logic Games How to Ace LSAT Logic Games | 7 Habits

How to Ace LSAT Logic Games | 7 Habits

Want to ace the LSAT Logic Games? You’ll need these skills to separate yourself from the pack. This is the 1st part of a 3-part series (read Logical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension articles)

1. See letters as variables, not people/things.

Avoid thinking of the game’s “topic” and focus on relationships between letters instead.

2. Easily categorize.

Quickly place logic games into main categories: linear/sequencing, grouping (in-and-out/matching), and combinations of the two main types.

3. Focus on key words in set-up and rules.

Learn obsessive attention to detail.

4. Diagram efficiently.

Symbolize the game’s variables and rules with minimal writing.

5. Create minimum # of diagrams.

Combine rules early in the game to eliminate some possible scenarios. Use previous diagrams to avoid making new ones.

6.. Budget time well.

Determine whether it’s worth spending more time on main diagram or on questions.

7. Learn to stop worrying and love the LSAT Logic Games.

Do enough Logic Games that you actually start to enjoy them.


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