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Home Study Plans 3-Month LSAT Study Schedule / Plan

3-Month LSAT Study Schedule / Plan

3 months is just enough time to prepare for the LSAT if you stick with this schedule. If work/school/life obligations make this schedule too difficult to follow, you’re probably best off taking the LSAT at a later date.


Month 1:
Review my relevant articles on Logical Reasoning and complete LR sections from PrepTests 52-61 ordered by difficulty during the first 3 weeks.

Week 1: Complete 20-30 of each question type below:
Must Be True + Most Strongly Supported, Necessary Assumption and Sufficient Assumption

Week 2: Complete 20-30 of each question type below:
Strengthen, Weaken, Parallel Reasoning, Flaw in the Reasoning

Week 3: Complete 20-30 of each question type below:
Main Point, Fill in the Blank, Point at Issue

Week 4: Review my articles on Logical Reasoning before completing LSAT questions of each type in PrepTests 52-61 using the LSAT Logical Reasoning categorization (untimed). Complete a few timed sections of Reading Comprehension.


Complete 20-30 of each question type below:

Resolve the Paradox, Method of Reasoning, Role of a Statement, Principle

Except, Evaluate the Argument, Cannot Be True, Interprets to Mean, Logical Force & Others


Month 2:


Week 5: Continue work from Week 4 with additional Logical Reasoning question-types and complete a few timed sections of Reading Comprehension.

Week 6: Continue work from previous week with additional Logical Reasoning question-types and complete a few timed sections of Logical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension

Week 7: Read my articles on Reading Comprehension and complete several sections of Reading Comp from PrepTests 52-61 (untimed). Complete a few timed sections of Logical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension.

Week 8: Complete the 3 tests in LSAC’s SuperPrep (timed) and review the explanations. Although the explanations are technical, it’s good to learn how the test-makers think. Alternatively, complete 3 recent LSAT PrepTests (timed).


Month 3:


Week 9: Complete 3 recent LSAT PrepTests (timed). Splice in sections from another to simulate experimental sections. Review each exam on alternating days.

Week 10: Complete another 3 recent LSAT PrepTests (timed). Splice in sections from another to simulate experimental sections. Review each exam on alternating days.

Week 11: Complete another 3 recent LSAT PrepTests (timed). Splice in sections from another to simulate experimental sections. Consider using one section to create a 6-section exam for extra practice. Review each exam on alternating days.

Week 12: Complete another 3 recent LSAT PrepTests (timed). Splice in sections from another to simulate experimental sections. (Again, consider using one section to create a 6-section exam.) Review each exam on alternating days. More thoughts on how to simulate the experimental section in this article.


Finally, rock the LSAT on Test Day.


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