Corey’s Success Story
Thanks to the LSAT Unplugged study plan, Michela increased her LSAT score from 149 to 163 Michela’s LSAT Diary & Game Plan: I made up a Game Plan sheet and read it before every preptest and before the actual LSAT. I related a lot of my prep to sports, as if I were preparing for […]
Michela’s Success Story
Thanks to the LSAT Unplugged study plan, Michela increased her LSAT score from 149 to 163 Michela’s LSAT Diary & Game Plan: I made up a Game Plan sheet and read it before every preptest and before the actual LSAT. I related a lot of my prep to sports, as if I were preparing for […]
Andy’s LSAT Success Story
Andy followed the 4 month study plan, and improved his score from 154 to 169 on a retakeAndy’s LSAT Diary: When test day came, I was filled with adrenaline. My thought going in is that I had to have studied harder than some of the test takers today. In the end, I scored a 169- […]
LSAT Prep While Working or in College
If you have a busy schedule with work or school and a halfway-decent social life, it’s difficult enough to manage everything. Add in LSAT prep, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. For this reason, start studying for the LSAT earlier than you think you’ll need to. Your elementary school book reports probably took longer than […]
Retaking the LSAT Study Schedule
So, you’re planning to retake the LSAT. It’s incredibly important to figure out what you did wrong the first time around and plan what you’ll do differently this time. Maybe you didn’t have enough time to study for the LSAT. Maybe you just didn’t use it wisely. I recommend a minimum of 3 months. It […]
LSAT Retake Study Schedule / Plan: Intense Version
I originally created the following 3-month LSAT study schedule for a student of mine. This student is preparing for an LSAT retake, has the goal of 170+, and is able to study for the LSAT full-time from now until Test Day. If you’re not preparing for a retake, use one of the other LSAT study […]
Is LSAT Studying in the Early Morning Good?
Studying for the LSAT when you first wake up is not a good idea. It doesn’t matter whether you wake up in the morning or afternoon. Why? Because your brain needs time to get out of sleep mode. It’s called sleep inertia. One of my LSAT students emailed me with the following: I was trying to […]
Daily LSAT Schedule | Recommendations For Each Day
Question: How much should I study each day for the LSAT? Answer: As much as you can without burning out. If your exam is in the next few months, try to average 2-3 hours per day. Question: That’s impossible! How can I fit in those hours? Answer: Here’s one possible daily schedule: 1 hour before work/school 1 hour during lunch OR 1 […]
7-Month LSAT Study Schedule / Plan
This 28-week schedule is intense. Follow it only if you’re studying for the LSAT full-time, or if you’re able to study for several hours each weekend. You might have work/school/life obligations that make this impossible. If that’s the case, skip some of the “re-do” and “review” weeks, and complete the rest at a more relaxed […]
6-Month LSAT Study Schedule / Plan
6 months is more than enough time if you stick with a regular, but moderate, schedule. I’ve reviewed all books and PrepTests mentioned below. This 24-week schedule is intense. Follow it only if you’re studying for the LSAT full-time, or if you’re able to study for several hours each weekend. You might have work/school/life obligations […]