10 Tips to Prepare for the Day of the LSAT
Make sure to save this and re-read it the week before your exam so you’ll know what to do. The week before: 1. Take a Practice Test in the room you’ll be using for the actual Test Day. The best way to get rid of pre-test jitters is to simulate taking the exam in the exact […]
LSAT Logic of a Spam Email Scam
In this post, I analyze two similar emails as if they were Logical Reasoning arguments. Both ended up in my spam folder (with good reason). Here’s the first, edited for brevity: It is understandable that you might be a little bit apprehensive because you do not know me, Please forgive this unusual manner to contact […]
LSAT Logic and Law School Spam
I hate spam. I even wrote an article making fun of spammers. I send emails on a schedule and sent out automatically- and that’s only if you’ve chosen to subscribe via email. I don’t do anything at all with them, and I have trouble just reading all the emails I receive, let alone responding to as many of […]
The LSAT, Meditation, Concentration, and Focus
Did you know meditation may increase your LSAT score? I was as surprised as you might be, but I came across a study reporting that students who received meditation training improved their GRE scores significantly. Why might this have occurred? Well, meditation typically requires training the mind to focus on something specific. Of course, developing […]
Free LSAT Diagnostic Tests | The Shocking Truth
Many prep companies offer free proctored LSAT diagnostic tests. At first, this seems like a good idea. You take a free LSAT PrepTest under test-like conditions, and your test score lets you know where you stand before doing any prep. In exchange, prep companies get all your contact info and the opportunity to market their […]
Conditional Reasoning: Contrapositive, Mistaken Reversal, Mistaken Negation
What is the contrapositive? What do mistaken reversal (converse) and mistaken negation (converse) look like on the LSAT? While each bite-sized Logical Reasoning argument and each Logic Games rule may seem impossible to understand, they’re pretty manageable once you’ve got a grip on the basics. In this article, I’ll share the basics of conditional reasoning […]
Logical Reasoning | Formal Logic Inference Questions
My students know I’m not a fan of diagramming most Logical Reasoning questions. However, some questions just beg to be diagrammed. These questions tend to be formal logic inference questions and sufficient assumption (justify) questions. In this article, I’ll cover one Logical Reasoning question that should be easy but gives many test-takers a lot of difficulty […]
LSAT Numbers: All, Most, Several, Many, Some, None
Isn’t it annoying when words seem to mean something different on the LSAT than they do in real life? Starts to make you wonder about the last time an LSAT test-writer spoke with a live human being. In this post, I clear up some of the differences between our normal understandings of common quantifiers (words […]
LSAT Vocab Made Easy
When I opened my first LSAT practice test, here’s what I came across in one of the Reading Comp passages: Eschewing Drescher’s idealization of British traditions of liberty, Eltis points to…draconian vagrancy laws…to ensure the industriousness of British workers…. And the actual sentence was longer than that! What the heck does that even mean?????? I […]
101 Insights to Increase Your LSAT Score | Book
If you’re reading this, you’re probably studying for the LSAT. I know this process isn’t easy, and it can be incredibly frustrating at times. However, each year, many people overcome the hurdles and achieve significant score increases. Some even get top LSAT scores. Then, they go on to the law schools of their dreams. You […]