Anthony’s LSAT Success Story

Anthony used the 3-month study plan and improved his LSAT score from 140s to 161Some types of questions would repeatedly give me difficulty. Parallel reasoning questions were absolute time sinks. I found them nearly impossible to complete correctly and within a reasonable amount of time. The sheer amount of text required to synthesize was something […]

Brad’s LSAT Success Story

Brad used the 3 month study plan and scored a 179By the time I had made the decision to apply to law school, I realized that I had a bit of an uphill battle. My first year in college was horrendous, and had a large impact on my GPA. The following 3.5 years were much […]

Brandon’s LSAT Success Story

Brandon followed the LSAT Unplugged study plan and recommended books. He scored a 170I write this diary entry in retrospect, which means two important things: first, I took the test, and can, with a certain level of objectivity, say what did or didn’t work, and second, I scored in the 97th percentile at a 170 […]

Caleb’s LSAT Success Story

Caleb increased his LSAT score from 161 to 171 on a retakeI hate wasps. They are literally the crappiest of all God’s creatures. I have thrown babies and old women out of the way as I run shrieking away from a single wasp. I’m a grown man who has gone skydiving, yet I’m afraid of […]

Caroline’s LSAT Success Story

Caroline followed the 5-month study plan, got a 169 and a perfect score on the Logic Games section When I started thinking about the LSAT, I had sort of-maybe decided that I wanted to go to law school last summer after a year of going back and forth between grad school and law school. I […]

Chrissie’s LSAT Success Story

Chrissie used the 3-month study plan, got into 5 out of 5 law schools and received up to 80% scholarship.  The idea of law school popped into my head one night as I sat in an employment law class while pursuing my MBA. Being an HR (human resources) professional, this particular class naturally piqued my […]

Dan’s LSAT Success Story

Dan achieved at 20+ point jump from getting a 141 to a 168. Ah, yes, Canada. A country that chose not a bird of prey as its national animal, but instead a rodent, the beaver. A country that prides itself on its cold winters, ice hockey, and ice cold ‘Canadian’ beer (brought to us by […]

Ellen’s LSAT Success Story

Ellen ended up with a 174 and got into Harvard Law So a little about me… I’m a 24 year old who’s undergoing serious life revisions. I graduated from Stanford with an English degree two years ago, and interned for a big theater in San Francisco in writing and research. This was fun, but I […]

JT’s LSAT Success Story

JT used the 5-month study plan, scored a 172, and got accepted to UVA Law After my first practice test, I thought that Logic Games were impossible; they were unlike anything I had seen before. I couldn’t keep track of any of the variables or rules and felt so frustrated. I stumbled across Steve’s blog […]

Kelly’s LSAT Success Story

Kelly subscribed to the LSAT Unplugged articles and scored a 170Where to begin…. LAW SCHOOL? BUT WHY? It seemed that in spite of a promising career in project management, I couldn’t help but get a giant pit in my stomach every time I heard about someone’s friend or cousin or acquaintance applying to law school […]