7 Logical Reasoning Tips and Tricks

UPDATE: I’ve put together a GINORMOUS list of free Logical Reasoning advice and strategies. The below tips are a good start, but click that link for much, much, more. Logical Reasoning makes up 2 out of 4 sections on the scored portion of the LSAT. These 7 tips will help you to master this important […]

5 Hardest LSAT Logical Reasoning Questions

Today, I’ll show you how to approach 5 difficult LSAT Logical Reasoning questions. Students ask me to explain these questions all the time, so I’m using this week’s main post to do so. I’m not posting the actual questions because I don’t want to get a visit from the folks at LSAC (although I’m sure […]

LSAT Logical Reasoning Vocabulary Words

UPDATE: If you want even more help with LSAT vocabulary than the words below (and don’t want to have to memorize hundreds and hundreds of words), check out the LSAT Vocabulary Builder: Words You Need to Know. You probably know the meanings of most words in the Logical Reasoning section. However, if you know what […]

Negating Conditional Statements in Logical Reasoning

A common technique for solving LSAT Logical Reasoning questions (particularly, Necessary Assumption questions) is to negate each of the answer choices. The correct answer choice, when negated, destroys the argument by preventing the conclusion from logically following from the evidence. Sometimes, answer choices contain conditional statements, rather than simply containing a single clause. The proper […]

5 Ways to Solve Logic Games in Under 7 Minutes

These tips and tricks will show you how to beat each Logic Game in less than seven minutes. Think it can’t be done? Think again! 1. Create a diagram. LSAT course instructors sometimes tell you to create a grid for every game instead of using a basic slot diagram. A slot diagram is an easy […]

New LSAT Reading Comprehension Tips

Seems like everyone wants more help on LSAT Reading Comprehension these days, so here are some loosely-related thoughts on how to approach Reading Comp. What to focus on I like to think of Reading Comprehension passages as big “point at issue” questions like the ones you find in Logical Reasoning. Comparative reading passages are the […]

5 Reasons to Stay Motivated During LSAT Prep

Without an LSAT study group, it can get lonely in whatever study nook you’ve found. Even if you do have an LSAT study group, here are 5 reasons to continue studying even if you’re sick of it: 1. Surpass everyone’s expectations. Do even better on the LSAT than people expected and wow them. 2. The economy is in […]

How To Recover From LSAT Burnout

As the LSAT approaches, you’ve probably started clutching your PrepTests for protection. Your friends have started to compare you to Linus from the Peanuts comic, who carries his blanket wherever he goes. However, if you’ve been studying for a while, you might be sick of the LSAT by now. Your body might start to reject […]

LSAT Logic Game Explanation | Grouping: Splitting

Here’s a complete explanation of the setup for the free LSAT Logic Game | Grouping: Splitting. Take a look at the below explanation after trying that game. Our variables are the 7 seagulls (ABCDEFG) grouped into two categories (male and female): Male: ABCD Female: EFG The 7 seagulls are assigned to exactly one of two categories […]

Free LSAT Logic Game: Grouping: Splitting

LSAT Unplugged subscriber Caleb wrote this LSAT Logic Game. I’ve modified the game’s questions slightly, but Caleb provided the core. All complaints and/or compliments about the game’s topic and rules should be directed to him 🙂 However, please thank him in the comments for allowing me to share the game with all of you! *** […]